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Teeth Whitening Sensitivity: Causes & Tips to Start Dealing With It

Teeth Whitening Sensitivity: Causes & Tips to Start Dealing With It

A pearly white smile is not just something movie stars can show off on the big screen. Today, it’s easy to get bright & white from the comfort of your own home. The sad truth is that beauty can sometimes be painful, which is why most teeth whitening treatments will leave your teeth extremely sensitive. This discomfort and pain (which can sometimes last up to 48 hours) can make it hard to stay on treatment and may cause many to give up their search for a pearly smile.
But, what causes this discomfort? And more importantly, is there any way to avoid or treat teeth whitening sensitivity? In this article, we’re going to review the main causes behind teeth whitening sensitivity and some tips you can use to deal with the discomfort. So if you want to know how to get rid of teeth sensitivity after whitening, read on!

What Is Teeth Whitening Sensitivity?

“Dentin hypersensitivity is common among teeth whitening patients. The condition causes heightened sensitivity in response to stimuli such as hot and cold drinks, certain sweet foods, and contact with the teeth (especially during teeth brushing). Mild discomfort from this temporary increased sensitivity is expected to last for no longer than around 48 hours.”

Dr. Gregg Barry, Docksland Dental

Teeth whitening sensitivity is basically the discomfort you experience after a teeth whitening session.

What Causes Teeth Whitening Sensitivity?

Sensitivity after a whitening process is probably caused by the “gentle dental-grade bleaching agent responsible for the long-lasting whitening results.” The bleaching agent penetrates the enamel and exposed nerve endings that are closer to the surface. So your teeth are more sensitive because your nerves are literally on the edge! They’re not protected by the enamel, meaning that they're exposed to absolutely everything. So if anything grazes against your teeth (like lip movement or teeth brushing), or if you decide to have hot or cold drinks, your nerves will be the first to feel it.

Another key factor in teeth whitening sensitivity is peroxide. “The properties of peroxide—one of the main ingredients in most tooth whitening products—have been shown to irritate the tooth nerve.” This irritation is what can cause sensitivity to hot and cold foods, as well as touch sensitivity or tingling sensations.

8 Tips To Deal With Teeth Whitening Sensitivity

In order to deal with teeth whitening sensitivity, we have prepared 8 tips that will help you keep your bright smile in check.

1. Prepare Your Pearly Whites

Switching to a special sensitive teeth toothpaste or gel a week prior to your whitening session will help prepare your teeth for what’s to come. They will react better to the treatment and allow you to deal with the side effects more easily since you will help your teeth build a resistance.

2. Aftercare Matters

Tooth whitening sensitivity will be at its highest right after the whitening treatment. Keep brushing your teeth with a special tooth sensitivity paste or gel to help your lovely smile get back to normal.

3. Easy Does It

Being gentle to your teeth will be key after any whitening treatment. Avoid harsh brushes or drinking water that is too hot or too cold. Think of it like an exposed wound - using a harsh loofah to scrape at the open skin will only bring you pain. The same goes for your teeth: you need to treat them with gentle care in order for them to heal. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush, lukewarm water, and leave the toothpaste in your mind for a couple of minutes before rinsing to reduce the sensitivity discomfort.

4. No Steaming Coffee, No Iced Tea

Avoiding hot and cold drinks will save you a world of trouble. Aside from saving you from a fair bit of agony (remember, your nerves are exposed!), staying away from coffee or tea will also help prevent you from staining your new shark white smile. The last thing you need is sensitive, stained teeth!

5. Drink From A Straw

Drinking from a straw might be a great solution for the days when teeth sensitivity is at its highest because it will allow the liquid to completely bypass your teeth. This may not be the best solution to alleviate the pain, but it will be an enormous help to avoid any extra discomfort.

6. Take Some Pain Relievers

If the pain is simply too much or you are suffering from hypersensitivity, we advise asking about pain relief medication. If an over-the-counter medicine didn’t cut it, we recommend contacting your dentist for a pain relief prescription.

7. Work Your Way Up

If you’re using an at-home teeth whitening kit but you’re feeling too much pain or discomfort afterward, we recommend working up your way to it. For example, if your teeth whitening kit is meant to be used for 90 minutes, you can try with less time until you can work your way up to it.

8. Try A Non-Sensitizing Formula

Or you can use a formula that whitens your teeth without causing tooth sensitivity to tooth enamel and gums! Our SharkWhite Whitening Gel Strips are made with a revolutionary peroxide-free formula that whitens your teeth in 30 minutes without any discomfort or pain side effects. The strips are layered with a tooth-whitening gel that removes deeply embedded stains beneath the surface. Their lack of peroxide makes them perfect for anyone who wants to whiten their smile without any pain or sensitivity.

Our SharkWhite Whitening Gel Strips are meant to be used once a day for up to 30 minutes (no long 90-minute wait here), and can provide results in just one week. Our non-hydrogen peroxide formula has become an award-winning formula for whiter teeth because it removes tough stains from your teeth without damaging the enamel, it doesn’t contain any additives or preservatives, and is vegan-friendly and cruelty-free. Shop our whitening gel strips, whitening powder, and complete whitening kits here.